Hon. Hope Andrade
Board Member
As a successful CEO, business leader and government official with a 30-year career in both the private sector and public service, Madam Secretary Hope Andrade has delivered value for a variety of organizations from established corporations to fast-growing startups to government agencies. Hope brings a broad business perspective with particular expertise in healthcare, transportation, workforce and economic development. She is a highly respected senior government official, public servant and community leader who brings a private-sector, business perspective to her government roles. Secretary Andrade has built strategic alliances and deep relationships with senior government leaders, foreign dignitaries, and business leaders across geographic and cultural settings, overcoming obstacles and driving successful outcomes for domestic and international businesses alike.
From July 2008 to November 2012, Andrade served as one of Texas longest serving Secretaries of State and was the first Latina to hold the role. As Secretary of State, she served as Ambassador for Economic Development, leading numerous international trade missions to promote business expansion in Texas and creating hundreds of new jobs. The Secretary worked tirelessly with international companies to bring significant foreign investment into Texas resulting in Texas being recognized as the number one state in the country for doing business. She also worked closely with border communities, Mexican officials and businesses to facilitate the efficient movement of goods at all Texas crossings.
From 2003 to 2008, Hope served as Commissioner and Chair of Texas Transportation Commission and was one of only two female Commissioners in the Texas Department of Transportation history. In 2007 and 2008, Secretary Andrade served as Executive Director of the MATT Foundation, a bi-national non-profit organization focused on building cultural and economic links between the United States and Mexico. More recently, from March 2013 until June 2015, she served as the Commissioner Representing Employers for the State of Texas Workforce Commission.
Hope has been a leader in the San Antonio business community for over three decades and a determined and proactive ambassador for local economic development. She currently serves as Chairman of VIA Transit Authority, and Tri Chair of Connect SA. Executive Committee Member of the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation, newly appointed to the Alamo Endowment Board and Chair of Earn-A-Bike. She has previously served as the Chairman of the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Vice Chairman of the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce, Board Member of Free Trade Alliance, Board Member of the San Antonio Symphony and Trustee of Our Lady of the Lake University, Executive Committee Member of the San Antonio Economic Development Foundation, the Alamo Endowment Board and Chair of Earn-A-Bike. She has been the recipient of numerous personal and community awards such as the Texas Department of Transportation’s Roadhand Award, the San Antonio Business Journal’s Leadership Legacy Award, the San Antonio Leadership Hall of Fame Award, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the San Antonian Award from the Northside Chamber of Commerce, Trefoil Award from the Girls Scouts and Small Business Advocate from the U.S. Small Business Administration.